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Apply for a Grant

Grant Application Guidelines and Transportation Information

Grant applications are currently open until Wednesday, April 23, 11:59 PM.

Grant Application Guidelines

Grant Application Guidelines

  • All NPSD teachers, staff, and students can apply for an innovative/creative classroom project grant.
  • Applications are considered twice during each school year in November and May.
    • Applications submitted in the fall are to be implemented in the current school year.
    • Applications submitted in May must be implemented during the following school year.
  • The Office of School/Community Engagement needs approval from your principal/supervisor/dept. chair/teacher prior to the Foundation's consideration.
  • Grants applications requiring transportation must include a cost estimate. The formula to determine your transportation cost can be found below.
  • Applicants will not be able to edit grant applications after they are submitted so, please take the time to review for accuracy.
  • The grant application should take approximately 90 minutes or less to complete.
  • Please note that flexible seating, though valuable, is no longer supported through the Foundation.
  • Foundation funds cannot be used for professional development. 

To be eligible for a grant, applicants must propose the following:

  • The project is innovative and creative, exceeding the NPSD curriculum while enhancing student learning beyond the scope of normal budgetary expenses.
  • Applicants should state the objective of their project and how it relates to the curriculum standards with detail and explanation.
  • The project will impact a number of students.
  • The description clearly outlines what students will know, learn, and be able to do following the project’s completion.
  • The project will continue without future funding.

If your grant is approved...

Documentation of expenses must be submitted to the Foundation. All materials acquired through Foundation grants become the property of the North Penn School District.

Grant recipients will be expected to complete a brief summary report (including photos) for the Foundation detailing what the students learned and were able to achieve following the project's completion. They may be asked to share their project and its results with other teachers in the district or members of the Foundation's Board of Trustees.

Apply for a Grant

Please note there is no "save and resume later" button in this application. If you'd like to draft your application and copy/paste your responses when ready to submit, a sample application for such purpose is available at the link below.

Grant applications are currently open until Wednesday, April 23, 11:59 PM.

Transportation Costs

If bus transportation is needed for a project that you would like to submit to be considered for a grant, this information must be completed on the application. Submissions requiring bus transportation that do not include this information will not be considered. Upon approval, a Student Travel Form must be completed and sent to Christine Liberaski.

Please note that transportation cost estimates are for grant application consideration purposes only. This does not secure transportation. If you are chosen as a grant recipient, you will still need to arrange for transportation yourself. Please work with your building office to do so. School accounts will be reimbursed. Grant recipients must notify the Office of School and Community Engagement of any additional increases to estimated transportation costs at least 30 days before the actual trip. Increases above 10 percent of original estimate may not be funded.

Charter Bus Information

NPSD buses will only be provided for trips that leave school at 9:00 am or later and return by 2:00 pm. If your trip falls outside of this time frame, a charter bus must be used. If a charter bus is required, you must call the district transportation center at 215-853-1139 to receive a quote for outside transportation using charter buses.

District Bus Information

If a NPSD bus will be used, a cost estimate is needed. Please follow the steps listed below to find cost estimate.

  • Determine whether a bus aide(s) for students with special needs will be required for the trip.
  • Determine the number of buses required. Please note that one bus holds a maximum capacity of 50 people. Remember to include teachers, chaperones and bus aides, if needed.
  • Determine the total number of hours of the trip, from pick-up to drop off.
  • Of the total number of hours of the trip, determine how many hours the driver(s) will spend driving and how many hours of downtime the driver(s) will have.
  • Use formula below to calculate cost of transportation.

District Transportation Cost Estimate Formula

Please use the information above to complete the following formula to find estimated NPSD transportation cost. Please note that these numbers come from $33.07/hour driving, $20.00/hour bus driver downtime and a flat rate of $19.27/hour bus aide.

Formula WITHOUT Bus Aides

    (Number of Buses x Number of DRIVING Hours x $33.07)
+  (Number of Buses x Number of DOWNTIME hours x $20.00)
= Total Estimated Cost of NPSD Transportation


(2 buses) x (2 hours DRIVING) x ($33.07) = $132.28
(2 buses) x (3 hours of DOWNTIME) x ($20.00) = $120.00
$132.28 + $120.00 = Total Estimated Cost of Driving = $252.28

Formula WITH Bus Aides

    (Number of Buses x Number of DRIVING Hours x $33.07)
+  (Number of Buses x Number of DOWNTIME hours x $20.00)
+  (Number of Aides  x Total hours bus is in use x $19.27)
= Total Estimated Cost of NPSD Transportation


(2 buses) x (2 hours DRIVING) x ($33.07) = $132.28
(2 buses) x (3 hours of DOWNTIME) x ($20.00) = $120.00
(2 aides) x (5 total hours) x ($19.27) = $192.70
$132.28 + $120.00 + $192.70 = Total Estimated Cost of Driving = $444.98

Note that these numbers come from $33.07/hour driving, $20.00/hour bus driver downtime and a flat rate of $19.27/hour bus aide.


© 2025 North Penn School District Educational Foundation